My Mid-term “Manifestio”

So I am halfway through the first semester of my masters course at the Design Academy, and for the mid-term presentation I made a manifesto, actually I call it a “Manifestio” a source book for aesthetic criteria, set of “design instructions” for myself.

The introduction on the first page functions as an index, and the graphic I used underneath is a kind of “table of contents”. I like to think of it as a carpet.

The choice of corflute was inspired by a Frank Stella colorfield painting. That movement was very much about material “honesty” so I searched hard for a suitable binding method before realising I could “sew” the corflute (thanks Lim). I used a magnet to run the needle up and down the entire length of the page.

Underneath the book is a schematic of my brain, but that’s a secret.

You can download a PDF of the contents here.


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