SMASH REPAIR goes to Amsterdam, & Paper Sewing

At one point last year, frustrated with designing and especially with structure, I tore up a big sheet of paper and then proceeded to sew it back together. The process of stitching something as delicate as paper was actually quite a therapeutic experience; I attempted to make the repair as strong as possible but knew it didn’t really matter because it physically could not last forever.

Next week I have been invited by the Amsterdam gallery Platform 21 to present my research and a proposal that followed on the the paper sewing and the SMASH REPAIR tables I did with Martijn Dijkhuizen (below). We have an idea for the creation of a stronger wood and metal structure, inspired by the adobe mud brick building of Djenne, Mali. Platform 21 has a REPAIR MANIFESTO and next friday 13/03/09 is the opening night.


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