Domestic Renewal at Craft ACT

Currently my Copper Ice Cream Scoops are on display in “Domestic Renewal: A table re:set” at Canberra’s peak craft and design venue Craft ACT craft and design centre, continuing until Saturday 15 December 2012. The exhibition is curated by Rohan Nicol and features the work of Alex Asch, Richard Blackwell, Norman Cherry, Ann Cleary, Heidi Dokulil, myself, Bridie Lander, Gini Lee, Rohan Nicol, Sabine Pagan, Richard Peters, Mel Robson, Wayne Simons, Blanche Tilden, Kenji Uranishi, Jason Wade, Kathryn Wells and Henry Wilson. The website for the exhibition is here. The final work is discussed here, while the original research and a taxonomy of precedents is here.

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