International Repair Day 2019 news

Saturday 19th October 2019 is the third International Repair Day. Thanks to a grant from the Australian Council of the Arts and the following people and institutions, during the week I’m speaking about my practice and research at:
- • Amsterdam Public Library (OBA) for the seminar Celebrating Repair, invited by Joanna van der Zanden of Throwing Snowballs
- • The Royal College of the Arts in The Hague (KABK), invited by Maaike Roozenburg (Head Master Industrial Design)
- • and Oslo University, invited by Maja van der Velden (Assoc. Prof. Social Informatics)
As well as being the 10 year anniversary of the Repair Cafe movement, started in Amsterdam by Martine Postma, its also 10 years since the seminal exhibition Repairing at Platform, at which I exhibited my early works SMASH REPAIR and for which Joanna and her co-curators published the Repair Manifesto, a document that influenced iFixit’s manifesto a few years later and more generally the Right to Repair movement.
In these talks I’ll be giving a summary of my studio practice in transformative repair, followed by an introduction to my research into transformative repair as a participatory design method through the projects Object Therapy and Transformative Repair. Celebrating Repair at the Amsterdam Public Library will screen the eight videos from Transformative Repair, and the Australian Design Centre has hosted them online, click here to watch.

My thanks to everyone involved, its a great experience to return to the Netherlands where my passion and interest in creative forms of repair took off many years ago.