NNancy at PYD

From March 18 to April 19th my installation NNancy is on show at the PYD Building in Sydney. A spatial intervention built from a simple fixed modular component, the structure generatively becomes complex as it caterpillers its way up the central staircase. I, with a rotating group of assistants, are building the structure live on Tuesdays the 29th March, 5th of April, and 12th of April, with a pulldown on the 28th April. The pulldown is, in a way, as interesting to me as the build up because I film the process and use it to make animations, like the one below, but in real rather than virtual space.

The work is a sequel to my recent exhibition in Poland, WWilma, a similar structure, but whose form was built by visitors and controlled by demographic factors. It grew to massive proportions in the cultural centre which housed it, akin to an out of control architectural growth, temporarily, but drastically changing the interior space. NNancy, built for the first time in the PYD building, is smaller and less monstrous, but possesses more defined geometric parameters; an invitation to thoughts about the relationships between art and nature, control and chaos.

NNancy from yugyug on Vimeo.

NNancy: a spatial intervention by Guy Keulemans
The PYD Building
197 Young Street, Waterloo, NSW 2017, Australia
18th March to 28th April
Hours: Monday to Friday – 9am to 5:30pm
Saturday – 9am to 5pm
Sunday – 9am to 4pm

Information at the PYD website:


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